2021 WLA Candidate Statements

Board Candidate Statements

Candidates for WLA Leadership Positions were asked to answer three questions for their candidate statement:

  • What skills and experience would you bring to the position you are seeking?
  • What past involvement have you had with WLA?
  • Where would you like to see WLA and the Division/Section in the future, and what would you do to move it toward that vision?

Please review all candidates statements in their entirety before casting your votes. Voting is open to WLA Members beginning August 26 through September 23.

Thank you to all of the 2021 WLA Elections Candidates!

Vice President/President-Elect

Ahniwa Ferrari

I've been involved with the Washington Library Association in some capacity since 2008. In that time I've served on the Member Services Committee, chaired Sections and Divisions, helped organize and bring content to conferences, presented live and virtually, and in general made a nuisance of myself as I loudly proclaimed the value of active participation in WLA to anyone who would listen (and occasionally to those who simply didn't run away fast enough.)

  • Washington Library Association, Member 2008-Present
  • WLA Member Services Committee, Member 2009 – 2011, 2019-2020
  • WLA Reference Interest Group (RIG), Vice-chair 2010-2011, Chair 2011
  • WLA Serving Adults in Libraries (SAIL), Vice-chair 2013 – 2015, Chair 2015 – 2018
  • WLA Academic Division, Chair 2015 – 2018
  • WLA Board Member representing Academic Libraries, 2018-2020

 I would continue my work to bring new members into the Association from traditionally underrepresented libraries. WLA is the association for all libraries in Washington State, and we can continue to grow and engage new members and highlight the value that WLA provides.


Barbara Walters

In my role as the Executive Director of the North Central Washington Libraries (NCWLibraries), I have served on several state-wide committees including the Library Council of Washington, and the Department of Commerce – Library Capital Improvement Program. I am also currently serving as the Vice-Chair of the Greater Wenatchee Area Technology Alliance (GWATA). Through these volunteer roles, I feel well prepared to fulfill the duties as Vice President/President-Elect of WLA. I will leverage the relationships, knowledge, and skills I have developed as a library advocate into a new role as a member of WLA’s Executive Team.

I have been a member of WLA for 3 years.

WLA is an important organization because it connects libraries not only from across the state, but also academic, school, and public libraries. I believe our united strength as members of the library profession and through WLA is what will get us through the challenges the pandemic has presented us.



Board Treasurer

Muriel Wheatley

Hello! My name is Muriel Wheatley and I’m thrilled to put my name forward as a candidate for the WLA Treasurer position. I graduated with my MLIS from the University of Washington in 2016, and have been working as Centralia Timberland Library’s Operations Supervisor for over 3 years. I am currently serving as Board Treasurer for the Centralia Downtown Association (CDA), a Main Street 501(c)(3) non-profit. During my two years as treasurer I’ve taken steps to streamline the financial side of the organization, including transitioning accounting to QuickBooks Online and automated payroll/tax filings. During the COVID-19 closures I helped the CDA secure funding through the Paycheck Protection Program, and have worked with the board on a successful proposal for CARES Act funding through our city council.

I’ve been a WLA member as a student and through organizational memberships. I have been selected to present at the 2020 WLA conference and will be leading a talk on the importance of centering diversity and quality when selecting books for display.

I’d like to see the WLA continue its focus on EDI, making virtual professional development opportunities available to our libraries and modeling best practices for accessibility and inclusion in our conferences, social media, websites, and more. I would use my volunteer hours to help bolster any efforts currently underway, and would use my board vote to help support future actions.


Board Director, Academic Library Division Representative

Erica Coe

I have over 20 years of service in a variety of academic libraries (community college, private and public universities) including my six years in my current position as Dean of Library, Learning Resources, and eLearning. I am the current chair of the State Board of Community and Technical Colleges' Library Leadership Council (LLC) and I look forward to finding opportunities for LLC and WLA to collaborate. I have also served as newsletter editor and president of ACRL Washington. These opportunities have allowed me to build an extensive network within academic libraries across the state. As a supporter of lifelong learning, my passion is to provide spaces and resources for others to also learn and grow. I strive toward inclusion and equity with a focus on digital accessibility. My strengths include adaptability, empathy, communication, creative problem-solving, mentoring, and recognizing the value of diverse perspectives. These experiences and skills have provided me with a firm foundation to serve as the Board Director for the Academic Libraries Division.

Having attended WLA conferences, I recognize the value of WLA to all of its members and I am passionate about serving my colleagues in the Academic Libraries Division.

WLA is already situated to bring together a diverse community of library employees across all fields and focus areas. Challenging times call for innovative solutions that will require us to collaborate across these divisions and sections. Digital Equity is a great example of an imperative issue where we all have a role in ensuring that our broader communities have access to necessary resources, services, and technology. I will foster these connections through my passion for ensuring equitable access to information, openness to new ideas and perspectives, and enthusiasm for supporting my colleagues.


Lorena O'English

I've been an academic librarian at WSU for almost 20 years. Over that time I've had opportunities to meet other academic librarians in the state as I worked on State Library-sponsored programs such as information literacy training and virtual reference. I've also served six years as the four-year library representative on the State Librarian's Library Council, where I advocated for four-year libraries and became familiar with the needs and issues of librarians working at Community and Technical Colleges and Tribal College Libraries. I would bring this experience with me as the Academic Division's representative on the WLA Board.

I've been an off-and-on member of WLA (including giving two conference presentations over the years), but with the increase in academic librarian options (CLAWS, the merger with ACRL WA, etc.) I am now a committed member. I serve on the Marketing Committee for 2019/2020.

WLA and its new expanded Academic Division have a great opportunity to work on issues and themes important to academic librarians in the state. I'd like to see WLA use its resources, including its political/lobbying resources to advocate for the issues that academic librarians in the state care about.


Board Director, Special Library Division Representative

Alycia Ensminger

Libraries opened my eyes to new worlds, ideas, and opportunities beyond what I thought possible. I have dedicated my career to helping others find that same value. I’m Alycia Ensminger, and I would be honored to serve the Washington Library Association and its membership as Board Director, Special Library Division Representative.

As our communities face unprecedented challenges, the accessibility of our library services and programs becomes ever more important. Whether seeking truth in today’s news, or an escape to a fictional world, or taking advantage of the wide range of services of our libraries, our communities and those we serve need libraries now more than ever.

Throughout my career as a Special Librarian, I’ve implemented a range of programs and initiatives across the private and public sectors working at NBBJ Architecture, PNC Bank, the Andy Warhol Museum, and the University of Pittsburgh Library System, and now in my current role as the Assistant Manager at the Washington Talking Book & Braille Library (WTBBL) where my focus as a special librarian has been to better organize and increase the accessibility of information to an underserved and diverse community of users. As a lecturer at the University of Washington iSchool, I taught Special Librarianship for several years, and helped the next generation of librarians understand the variety of careers within our profession. I also served on the board of the Special Library Association as the Student Relations liaison to further support students interested in our field. In joining the WLA board, my goal would be to recruit and connect diverse special librarians to the incredible work happening throughout our organization. As a transplant to Washington, I’m continually impressed by the inclusivity of WLA. I believe there is no greater joy than helping patrons connect, grow, and learn through the work that we do every day in our organizations and communities. I would be honored to serve you on the WLA Board.


Student Representative to the Board

Marissa Rydzewski

Over the past year, I have helped my library during two major transitions. Before the start of the last academic year, my library combined our two public services departments, circulation and research services, into one department. Since I worked in both departments at the time of this transition, it was my job to help train and prepare each employee for their new respective job and to also integrate and update our policies and procedures for the new unit. The second transition, which has affected everyone in some way, is the repercussions of COVID-19. My colleagues and I now work remotely, and I have learned news skills: supervising remotely, creating research video tutorials, and hosting a National Library Week online which included virtual bingo and virtual escape rooms. Additionally, I've been working on a data collections project to gather evidence that legal textbooks are too costly for law students, especially during a pandemic. Our team plans to present our findings to the faculty. During that meeting, we hope that we can help the faculty plan for a transition to free/low-cost textbooks. All of these recent changes have made me flexible, innovative, and more communicative with my colleagues and library patrons. Additionally, as a student in library school and the current LISS Chair, I have come to learn the needs and wants of library students and have been advocating for those needs in my current role. If chosen as the Student Representative, I will continue to work with LISS and library students to represent them and their interests.

This past WLA election cycle, I was nominated to be the LISS Chair. The rest of the LISS Leadership team and I have been working on ways to improve our relations with our members. We are holding a virtual back to school social event later this month and plan to host a virtual holiday social event later this year. Additionally, we created a welcome back email that will be sent out at the beginning of the new school year. This email will include resources for library students and a membership survey that asks how LISS can better support its members. Additionally, I have proposed that LISS funds a scholarship for students because as students, I understand the financial burden of going to library school. I hope these outreaching efforts will build community and a stronger presence in WLA by student members.

My hope is that sections like LISS and WLA, in general, can "meet people where they are at" to help support its members and foster community at the individual level. During this time when there are a lot of unknowns, it's important to remember that everyone's lives are different and may need additional help. Even without a pandemic, everyone is coming from a different background. I myself am dyslexic and I needed additional help in grade school because I didn't learn like everyone else. Being dyslexic has taught me that there is no one way to learn or to accomplish something. I had a successful school career because my teachers took the time to meet me where I was, and that effort made a world of a difference. By hosting virtual social events, sending out welcome back to school emails, creating member surveys, and collecting various resources and tools for members are just some of the ways I've tried to make individual members feel more welcomed and connected. It may seem overwhelming, but any effort at all is a step in the right direction.


Division Candidate Statements

Academic Library Division - Vice Chair/Chair-Elect

Greg Bem

I have demonstrated years of experience leading projects, committees, task forces, and work teams. I am forward thinking, center equity and justice, and am interested in continuing to develop my leadership skills.

I was part of several folks who moved CLAMS into WLA (now: CLAWS). I have been the chair of CLAWS for the last year. I have been published by Alki, and have presented at multiple conferences.

I do not want to reinvent what is currently happening with ALD; however, the merger of ACRL and the momentum around equity and justice on local and global scales has set a precedent for change within ALD and WLA. I am forward-thinking and want to look at actions we can take now and going forward, and revisit the communication practices and general efficacy of this division as per the current work and goals within ALD.




Caitlan Maxwell

I have worked in both college and university libraries for about 6 years now and have actively sought out ways to connect and collaborate with library workers around the state and the region to share ideas, concerns, and practices. I choose projects and service work that enable me to work with others in the region--including taking on the role of ACRL-Washington (ACRL-WA) Newsletter Editor from 2014-2017, where I gained experience as a board member and worked to highlight the rich and varied work that academic library workers create. I’ve also coordinated regional unconferences with former colleagues at University of Washington (Seattle, Tacoma, and University of Washington Bothell/Cascadia College Campus Libraries) that facilitated space for informal discussions and idea sharing. As Vice Chair/Chair Elect I would bring my experience in event planning and facilitation as well as my familiarity with ACRL-WA board work to the role.

I’ve been involved with WLA as an University of Washington iSchool WLA representative from 2013-2014. As the iSchool representative I co-moderated an MLIS student lightning talk session at the 2014 OLA/WLA annual conference in Wenatchee. After graduating--I got involved with the ACRL-Washington chapter. I was excited to see that WLA started an Academic Division a few years ago and would like to be involved in co-creating and shaping the future development of this division.

It’s important to me that academic library workers have opportunities to build community with each other and engage in critical and reflective conversations about their work and the profession. As Vice Chair/Chair-Elect, I’d be interested in collaborating with the membership (current and incoming), Board, and other WLA divisions/sections on designing and advancing division goals and initiatives as ACRL-WA chapter merges with WLA. This could include facilitating discussions about how the Academic Division leadership is structured, what kind of professional development opportunities folks would be interested in, as well as other possible initiatives like scholarships and/or involving MLIS students in the division leadership (as student representatives etc.).


Academic Library Division - Secretary/Communications

Lydia Bello

Since July 2019 I've been the Secretary for ACRL-WA, a role responsible for taking, preparing, and sharing meeting minutes. I was also involved with the merger between ACRL-WA and WLA in terms of sharing minutes and from membership meetings and member fora, and collaborating with the rest of the board to make the process as clear and transparent as possible to members. I would bring this experience with managing minutes and documentation, an eye for detail, and a interest in collaborative work to the Secretary/Communication position of Academic Library Division/ACRL-WA.

While I'm relatively new to WLA, I have been heavily involved with the Washington State chapter of ACRL (ACRL-WA). I'm very excited to become more involved in WLA, for academic librarianship and beyond.

With the recent merge between ACRL-WA and the Academic Library Division it's going to be a really exciting time to be an academic librarian in WLA. I would like to see this newly merged division to grow and evolve to best meet the needs of academic librarians in Washington through building community and connecting everyone to WLA's resources. No matter what happens, I would bring my attention to detail, enthusiasm for promoting organizational transparency through clear and consistent documentation, and interest in collaboration to this role.


Claire Murata

Hi there!  I'm Claire Murata, and I am running for Secretary/Communications of the Academic Library Division. I am currently the Collection Development librarian at Shoreline Community College, but I started out as the Information Literacy librarian. Previously, I worked in temp and sub positions at University of Washington Bothell/Cascadia, Highline Community College, South Seattle Community College, and King County Library System.  My current interests are in sustaining the relevance of academic libraries in the imaginations of students and administration; how to decolonize the academic library through collection development; and evolving my understanding of the ACRL Framework.

I’m excited to become involved with the Washington Library Association and the Academic Library Division. I spent the first part of my career learning my positions in the library, how my college works, and the needs and desires of the students I serve. I now hope to contribute to librarianship in the larger community of Washington State.

I have said many times that librarians are the most generous people in the world. Many of the librarians who have worked at Shoreline in recent years have had public, school, and university libraries experience, and they have brought those sensibilities to our library, enriching the services and resources we bring to students. I have learned much from these librarians, and I believe their creativity has kept me creative. WLA provides cross-pollination between kinds of libraries. If elected, I hope to learn about WLA and participate in providing opportunities for librarians to connect, learn from each other, and try out new and new-to-us library practices.


Estee Reed

I have a lot of experience working as the secretary/communications chair of different committees. During college, I was my sorority’s secretary from 2013-2014 and the Panhellenic Council’s Vice President of Management from 2014-2015. In both positions, I had to oversee and maintain files related to the bylaws of the different councils. I also maintained a record of election results and recorded membership for both organizations. I held the position of Secretary for the Ares User Group and Yale University from 2018-2019, where I recorded meeting minutes and sent out emails to group members. I am the current Social Media and Email Communication chair of the Northwest Interlibrary Loan Conference. In this position I maintain the social media accounts, make sure that conference reminders are sent out to the listservs, and I moderate the email account for the conference to make sure that all emails are forwarded to the correct conference committee member. In the past I have also recorded meeting minutes for various standing meetings at work. The skills that I would bring to this position are timeliness, I like to complete assignments before deadlines; dedication, I make sure that I stick to my commitments and give my full participation; and I really love to take notes and make outlines. I am very organized and recording meeting minutes and taking notes is something that I am passionate about.

I am very new to WLA, I have only lived and worked in Washington for the past year, but I have grown to love this state and I want to become more involved.

With social distancing and working from home in place, I know I feel cut off from my normal library community. I would love to see more Library Association events, newsletters, social media posts, or bonding activities, to try to bring the profession together during these difficult and stressful times. While planning remote events can be time consuming and labor-intensive, working on the social media presence of WLA could be a more manageable way of starting to connect library staff across the state and bolster the community.

Public Library Division - Vice Chair/Chair-Elect

Jannah Minnix

Hello! Public libraries are an essential service that I strongly believe in, and I would be honored to serve as the Public Library Division Vice Chair/Chair-Elect. I have been working in public libraries for over six years at four different library systems, starting out as a youth services page and now as a librarian at Sno-Isle Libraries. During that time I have gotten to work both with larger city populations and rural towns, and seen the impact libraries can have on a community during the "good" times as well as when it's reeling from disaster. I have the ability to roll with the punches and desire to continue support during uncertainty and changing situations that we're all facing. You're still providing service to the public however you can; why shouldn't WLA still provide service to you?

I’ve been a dues-paying member for a little while, but I’m functionally new. I’m ready to jump in and start working! Where do I start?

I would love to facilitate more connection between members. Especially now with libraries on a limited opening basis, I feel like we could really use some more support from each other. Mostly, I want to hear what you have to say – what do you think we need? We need to be responsive to our members and have some follow-through. Let’s do some check-ins or take a poll and see what you and your institution need right now, and make that happen! More Equity, Diversity and Inclusion training? Let’s do it! More virtual networking opportunities? Done. Are you ready to start getting back into it after being isolated for so long? I know I am (virtually to start, at least)!


Erin Wells

I have over 10 years experience working in public, academic, and special libraries in Oregon, Washington, and Kansas. For the last two years I've served as Vice Chair, and Chair of the Public Library Division Executive Board in Oregon. Now that I've moved to Washington I'd like to broaden my skills and serve the Washington library community. I am a strong advocate for the role libraries serve in their communities and look forward to serving the Public Library Division Executive Board.

I am new to the Washington Library Community, but would like to get more involved.

I would like to see PLD as a diverse, vibrant division that supports all public Washington libraries large and small. I would like to provide additional training opportunities for the membership as I believe training and continuing education is central to creating new and innovative ways to serve our community. The greatest resource at the library is staff and by allowing them to shore up their skills we can ensure our communities have strong, effective library service.


Public Library Division - Secretary/Communications

Rickey Barnett

My name is Rickey Barnett, and I am currently the Teen and Adult Services Librarian at the Edmonds Library, part of the Sno-Isle Libraries, a bi-county regional public library system. I have worked in the field of Librarianship now for six years, and throughout this time, I have had the honor of working in both public and academic libraries, as well as collaborating closely with my School Librarian colleagues. I have also worked on a number of committees both at Sno-Isle Libraries and WLA, such as the WLA Advocacy Committee, to complete major projects. Moreover, my background in community outreach and programming as a Public Librarian has afforded me the opportunity to hone my skills of collaborating with others, adhering to tight deadlines, and cooperating with others to find creative solutions. I believe my experiences and skills in these areas would allow me to contribute greatly to the Secretary/Communications position for the Public Library Division.

I have had the honor of attending the last two WLA conferences, and I am currently a member of the WLA Advocacy Committee.

It is my utmost goal for both WLA and the Public Library Division to be leaders in Social Justice, as well as the breadth of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) efforts in our libraries and communities. I currently work with School Librarians in the Edmonds School District to do just this, as the LEAD Team (Librarians for Equity and Diversity), and I have witnessed the positive impact of our work in our community—but there is still much to do. Libraries are in a unique position to educate, empower, and connect everyone to knowledge. Thus, I would work with my fellow WLA colleagues to advance policies, training, and advocacy efforts to support library workers and communities alike, in creating more inclusive, equitable spaces where everyone can thrive.

I thank you for your support!


School Library Division - Chair

Sarah Logan

Currently, I serve as Teacher Librarian at Dorothy Fox Elementary School in Camas, WA. I earned my MLIS from San Jose State University’s iSchool in 2012 before moving to Washington in 2015. Prior to working in school libraries, I taught English, Drama, and Speech and Debate in secondary schools. My real focus in school librarianship thus far has been in collection development, particularly in how to transform an outdated collection through weeding, fundraising, and purchasing to better meet student and school needs and increase circulation. I have also worked to develop curriculum and programming for both elementary and secondary libraries.

One of my first priorities when moving to Washington in 2015 was to join the School Library Division of WLA. Since then, I have attended conferences and workshops, and have worked in Olympia on Library Advocacy Day. My students look forward to participating in the WLA School Library Division’s book awards programs each year.

Equity and diversity in school librarianship is a passion of mine. Currently, there is no equity in Washington’s school libraries. Students in one district are served by credentialed Teacher Librarians K-12, while students in other districts may not have access to a credentialed Teacher Librarian at all. Some districts spend over $20 per student a year on materials while others only have whatever funds they can earn through book fairs. Without equitable funding, it is difficult to curate current, robust library collections that provide all of our students an opportunity to see themselves and others represented in books. I feel strongly that every child and teacher in Washington public schools deserves to be served by a certified Teacher Librarian in school libraries with adequate funding to maintain current, robust, diverse collections. I would focus on advocacy efforts, taking steps to move us closer to equitable school library staffing and funding, recognizing that those steps will likely be small and incremental.


School Library Division - Vice Chair/Chair-Elect

Ryan Grant

I'm entering my third year in the library, but my 20th year in public education--8 years as a first grade teacher, and 9 years in 5th grade. I've been involved in advocacy with the WEA for most of my career, and am very familiar with what it takes to speak up for librarians.

I'm currently on the Conference Committee for #WLA2020, which is going to be a great virtual experience that everyone should sign up for! I'm also a member of the Washington Children's Choice Picture Book Award Committee, and a part of CAYAS, LiFE, IFS, and SRRT.

We've been doing some exciting work with the Legislative Committee to try and make sure that legislative funding goes where it's supposed to go--I'm committed to helping move that project forward. The next year may be a crisis point for school librarians as we've seen what's happened around the state, and the size of the budget hole that's coming; I'll work with the members of the Division to mount the defense of what we do that we're going to need.



School Library Division - Secretary/Communications

Elizabeth Roberts

As the current Secretary/Communications member of the School Library Division steering committee, I have worked over the last year to increase our social media presence. I would like an opportunity to continue this work to create some structure and continuity before passing on the torch.

This past year has been my first time being involved with WLA. During the year, I have really learned a lot and grown in my appreciation for our organization. As a volunteer run organization I truly appreciate all who are involved and am interested in bringing in more members to grow even stronger.

I would love to see WLA and specifically the School Library Division be a strong advocate for all libraries and a place that people turn to for support and learning. The more we band together and rely on each other, the stronger we will be. If we would like to see changes in legislation around the librarian role in our schools, we need to come together as a strong, unified voice.


Special Library Division - Vice Chair/Chair-Elect

Sara Peté

Part of my work doing social media for the Washington State Library is to help tell the stories of the many different kinds of libraries across our state and to help strengthen the relationships between our state's libraries. If chosen as the Vice Chair for the Special Libraries Division, I would look forward to learning more about Washington's special libraries in order to promote and support the work they are doing and to help provide networking opportunities to special librarians across the state.

I recently joined WLA in 2019 when I started my current position at the Washington State Library. I am on the WLA Marketing Committee and did an interview with Kelsey Smith about the "Sheltered in Place: COVID-19 Zine Diaries Project" for a recent issue of ALKI.

I would like to see a strong network of special librarians who depend on each other for support, who amplify each other's voices, and who inspire each other to take part in innovative projects and programs. I would hope to help in telling the unique stories of our state's special libraries and to help strengthen the links between them and perhaps between the public, school, and academic libraries of Washington as well.


Special Library Division - Secretary/Communications

Interested in serving as the Special Library Division Secretary/Communications? Contact [email protected]!


Section Candidate Statements

Collection Development & Technical Services (CATS) - Chair

Karen Schendlinger

I have been a library technician and librarian, working primarily in K-12, for close to 20 years. I have lived in Washington for almost 2 years, but I was involved with the library association in British Columbia for several years before I left there and moved here. I have done a lot of committee and board work, including acting as secretary several times, and the library has always been a passion of mine, wherever I've lived. I am a good communicator and I enjoy being part of a dynamic and enthusiastic team.

I have been a member of WLA for about a year, but this is my first time getting actively involved. So far, my involvement has been limited to attending a few online events. As noted previously, I volunteered for the BCLA for several years, specifically the Cataloguing and Technical Services section (BCCATS) where I served as Secretary and Co-Chair.

I'm afraid haven't been involved long enough to offer any concrete suggestions. My experience of BCLA and other library associations has been that they offer a sense of community, a place for collaboration and activism, and a resource for professional development for library workers. As a newcomer to the state, I would be pleased to offer my time and experience to CAYAS or to CATS, to continue their positive work in the community. CATS is less "visible" by nature, and it has always been my goal to promote the work and activities of these "back room" workers, and bring forward their important contributions to the community. As a K-12 librarian and cataloger, working with CAYAS would represent an opportunity to help develop the skills of library staff who work with children and youth, which I believe to be one of the most important library user groups, and to develop my own ability to deliver library service to these groups.


Collection Development & Technical Services (CATS) - Vice Chair/Chair-Elect

Interested in serving as CATS Vice Chair/Chair-Elect? Contact [email protected]!


Collection Development & Technical Services (CATS) - Secretary/Communications

Interested in serving as CATS Secretary/Communications? Contact [email protected]!

Children & Young Adult Services (CAYAS) - Vice Chair/Chair-Elect

Brandi Gates

In just the past few months, I have been working collaboratively with other members of our Summer Reading team to re-imagine our entire Summer Reading Program to work virtually, while still making it accessible to everyone in our community. I am also a part of the team that advocated for virtual programming and worked to establish a process and guidelines for doing virtual programs when the library had to close in March. We are now looking forward for ways to safely provide outreach programs and services for the families in our community who are currently not being served by our virtual programs. Most recently, as a member of the CAYAS Steering Committee, I have been fortunate to form a partnership with the WLA ScLD and we have started holding weekly forums for School and Public Librarians to gather and discuss how we can best work together, learn from, and support one another this upcoming school year.

I am currently a member of the CAYAS Steering Committee and a member of the Towner Award Committee.

I want to continue to strengthen our section by fostering our relationship with the ScLD and School Librarians. I want to continue to partner with LIS students and to collaborate with the University of Washington’s student organization iYouth to provide unique opportunities for professional development. If I am selected I will focus on increasing participation and will help make CAYAS a space where we can all contribute to creatively serving the youth of Washington.

Children & Young Adult Services (CAYAS) - Secretary/Communications

Michelle Massero

I have been actively participating with CAYAS in this role for the past 6 months. I have previously been the secretary and communications manager for other library related groups such as South Sound Librarians. I am also working on a degree in social and digital media.

I've been a member of WLA for many years and attended workshops in the past. I have been the acting Secretary for CAYAS for the past 6 months.

I would like to see CAYAS provide educational opportunities in the form of workshops and webinars to enrich the knowledge and abilities of librarians working with children and youth throughout Washington. I would assist in finding individuals that can provide these tools to our members.






College Libraries Across Washington State (CLAWS, formerly CLAMS) - Chair

Kathleen "Katie" Hart

Last year I served in the secretary/communication position for CLAWS. Since there was not a vice chair last year, I am putting forth my name so that our section can continue. Spending this year working with Greg, the current chair, has helped me to get a perspective of what next steps would be beneficial for the continued growth of CLAWS.

CLAWS Secretary/Communication

CLAWS is new to WLA (although existed previously as an independent group, CLAMS). Last year CLAWS undertook projects to improve communication (by cleaning up our listserv) and raising awareness of our group (WLA Academic Conference & hosting a WLA working from home session). We also conducted a membership survey, which I would like to redo as I later learned our membership list was not accurate at the time. However, from the feedback that we did get we learned that EDI, professional development & networking, and inter-SBCTC library communication were main foci. My job as chair would be to move forward these efforts among CLAWS, while working closely with ALD and WLA.

College Libraries Across Washington State (CLAWS, formerly CLAMS) - Vice Chair/Chair-Elect

Angi Anderson

Hello, I am angi and I look forward to being part of the WLA community and it is an honor to bring my passion for library advocacy and social justice to the CLAWS Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect position. Of the six years of academic library experience, I have benefited from a thriving work environment committed to equity and diversity. I aim to bring an equity-focus approach and apply innovative design and marketing skills to promote our goals if elected to the College Libraries Across Washington State (CLAWS) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect position.

My previous WLA participation consisted of collaborating and creating the 2019-2020 member’s assessment survey as a Member Services Committee member and contributing to the MSC meetings.

I aspire to move CLAWS toward our vision and goals by collaborating with the CLAWS Chair, WLA members (and future members) to promote our collective vision and attain our goals; increase our membership by advocating for library services through marketing efforts; and explore initiatives to align with CLAWS goals, and WLA's equity, diversity, and inclusion policy.


College Libraries Across Washington State (CLAWS, formerly CLAMS) - Secretary/Communications

Carleigh Hill

I have served as the secretary or communications person for many personal and professional groups in the past. Most recently I've been serving as the Newsletter Editor and President of the Gardeners of Cheney, where I was able to digitize past records, bring current record-keeping into Google, rewrote (and got approved) updated bylaws, and send out a monthly newsletter (print and electronic) of useful and/or entertaining gardening content. I have also worked as a student media adviser and understand deeply the role that communication plays in creating group identity and empowering action.

This is the first year I have been a member of WLA, but I look forward to being more involved in the future. I have already joined the Member Services committee so that I can help connect new and old members to the benefits of the organization and create new opportunities for connection.

I would like to see robust and active sharing of ideas and resources. There has been no greater time for these virtual conversations to support us all, and I hope to continue that environment of sharing into the future, even past the pandemic.



Estee Reed

I have a lot of experience working as the secretary/communications chair of different committees. During college, I was my sorority’s secretary from 2013-2014 and the Panhellenic Council’s Vice President of Management from 2014-2015. In both positions, I had to oversee and maintain files related to the bylaws of the different councils. I also maintained a record of election results and recorded membership for both organizations. I held the position of Secretary for the Ares User Group and Yale University from 2018-2019, where I recorded meeting minutes and sent out emails to group members. I am the current Social Media and Email Communication chair of the Northwest Interlibrary Loan Conference. In this position I maintain the social media accounts, make sure that conference reminders are sent out to the listservs, and I moderate the email account for the conference to make sure that all emails are forwarded to the correct conference committee member. In the past I have also recorded meeting minutes for various standing meetings at work. The skills that I would bring to this position are timeliness, I like to complete assignments before deadlines; dedication, I make sure that I stick to my commitments and give my full participation; and I really love to take notes and make outlines. I am very organized and recording meeting minutes and taking notes is something that I am passionate about.

I am very new to WLA, I have only lived and worked in Washington for the past year, but I have grown to love this state and I want to become more involved.

With social distancing and working from home in place, I know I feel cut off from my normal library community. I would love to see more Library Association events, newsletters, social media posts, or bonding activities, to try to bring the profession together during these difficult and stressful times. While planning remote events can be time consuming and labor-intensive, working on the social media presence of WLA could be a more manageable way of starting to connect library staff across the state and bolster the community.

Intellectual Freedom Section (IFS)

Interested in serving as IFS Steering Committee? Contact [email protected]

Leadership Is for Everyone (LIFE) - Chair

Katy McLaughlin

I have a passion for developing leadership skills in people across fields and positions, developed both through my work and through Leadership courses. I am currently a Prosser Leadership Board member and the curriculum co-director, and the process of refining our program has enriched my understanding of leadership development for myself and staff. I have been responsible for staff training my branch and across the library system, one-on-one and in groups; and regularly push for ongoing skill development for every staff member.

LiFe Secretary last year

I would love to help build LiFE as a section; our professional passion should be bolstered with the skills to drive change, inspire our staff, and make wise and compassionate decisions in stressful times. I like the idea of providing opportunities to connect and develop leaders across the profession, in ways that work for busy and budget-conscious libraries. I believe developing leadership at every level is more important than ever when so many changes are happening across the state and country so quickly. Thank you for the opportunity.


Rachelle Martin

As a current Operations Supervisor, union executive board member and labor council delegate I strongly believe that great leadership can come from any person. I am passionate about leadership, organizational dynamics and how staff can work within their existing power structure to effect change. My strong emotional intelligence skills coupled with my outcome driven perspective make facilitating conversations and meetings enjoyable for participants. I have helped plan conferences and large events and would love to help WLA and its members meet their goals.

I am a current member of WLA and have attended past conferences. I keep apprised of workgroup minutes and rosters.

Building leadership skills and networking are a lifelong processes that are key for instituting change. While the LIFE workgroup has not been reliably active for some time, the ideas behind the charter are sound. Instituting regular meetings for members at every level to learn leadership techniques. This would also allow them to hone their public speaking skills as an important companion to leadership. I would like to build a resource list so members can work on their skills at their own speed while building in opportunities to meet as a group for members for those that are inclined. Building a partnership network to share ideas/issues and get input from other members would be invaluable for people working on this skill set.


Leadership Is for Everyone (LIFE) - Vice Chair/Chair-Elect

Interested in serving as LIFE Vice Chair/Chair-Elect? Contact [email protected]!


Leadership Is for Everyone (LIFE) - Secretary/Communications

Interested in serving as LIFE Secretary/Communications? Contact [email protected]!


Library & Information Student Section (LISS) - Chair

Stephanie Hartford

I am a current MLIS Candidate at Simmons University, and have a great deal of experience with serving community groups. From working as my undergraduate campus feminist group president to this year's service as the LISS Vice Chair, I have an excellent track record of representing others in the name of facilitating change.

I became a WLA member in March of 2020, and have served as the LISS Vice-Chair for this spring and summer.

The current LISS board members and I are working hard to make this Section an inclusive, responsive, and supportive community for those involved in Library and Information Science studies--as well as those in the library world seeking to support us. I intend to continue this work through providing concrete resources to students of color, communicating with the LISS community on a regular basis, and advancing the creation of a LISS-section scholarship for WLA members.



Library & Information Student Section (LISS) - Vice Chair/Chair-Elect

Interested in serving as LISS Vice Chair/Chair-Elect? Contact [email protected]!


Library & Information Student Section (LISS) - Secretary/Communications

Jacob Lackner

Hello! My name is Jacob Lackner. I’m an incoming MLIS student at the University of Washington, and I currently work at the Will and Ariel Durant Branch Library in Los Angeles. My library prides itself on serving a diverse and dynamic population, and we prioritize inclusion on a daily basis. I have had the honor of participating in our branch’s homelessness outreach programs and engagement with the Russian-speaking community in Los Angeles. My library’s commitment to public service inspired me to apply to the University of Washington and begin the journey to become a librarian.

Through my time at LAPL, I have learned to be pragmatic, adaptive, and team-oriented. I love working with others, and I place great value in institutional memory and the collective knowledge of a group. In my workplace communications, I strive to be concise and precise. I am organized, punctual, and great at time management. If I am elected as the secretary/communications position, I will use these skills to advance the interest of the section and students across the state.

I am new to the WLA and the state of Washington in general. I’m excited to get involved and help contribute to the WLA’s efforts to advance the interests of libraries statewide.

I would like to see LISS continue to promote inclusion and diversity, and act as an advocate for the newest members of the field. As students, we do not have the security of employment, and we need an organization that is aware of the challenges that students face. I would move towards that goal by working to continue the section’s scholarship initiatives, and establishing a system where library students around the state can share concerns or questions to be routed to find the right answer. This is the most uncertain era in recent memory, and students deserve a competent, hard-working, and empathetic section that will guide members towards librarianship. I would be honored to serve as Secretary/Communications for LISS.

Serving Adults in Libraries (SAIL)

Interested in serving on the SAIL Steering Committee? Contact [email protected]


Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) - Vice Chair/Chair-Elect

Interested in serving as SRRT Vice Chair/Chair-Elect? Contact [email protected]!


Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) - Secretary/Communications

Angelina Kuchar

I joined the SRRT in the last year and have been one of the active members meeting on a regular basis. I have recently joined a committee at my library system that is seeking to address racism systemwide and work toward antiracism. I feel that these two committees can inform each other and help both move further toward their goals. I have been working for my library system for the past 10 years. I have lots of experience with meetings of various groups, including being on the Board of Directors of two different nonprofit organizations.

I have been a member for at least the past 2 years and another year way before that. I was the organizer and a co-presenter for a session at the combined OLA/WLA spring 2019. I have attended past WLA conferences.

I would like to see how WLA and SRRT can support libraries in the work of antiracism and dismantling all systems of oppression. I will be an engaged SRRT member ready to move forward on the projects we decide to focus our energy on. I have been educating myself on various EDI issues for my library work, including the SRRT.


Washington Library Employees (WALE) - Chair

JoLyn Reisdorf

My name is JoLyn Reisdorf (she/her/hers).  As a proud member of the house of Ravenclaw, I strive to confront every task with creativity and a touch of humor.  I have worked as a library paraprofessional for over 13 years.  In this time, I have been a part of ILS changes, the recession, and like everyone else a pandemic.  These challenges have only reinforced for me how libraries adapt and innovate to serve their communities, and I hope if selected as WALE chair, I will be able to support WALE members in the inevitable changes to come. 

I am currently the WALE secretary, and I also volunteer for the local Girl Scout council helping to support new leaders in implementing key components to the Girl Scout program and as a facilitator for both older girls and leaders in a variety of topics from outdoor skills to traveling as a Girl Scout team.  My experience volunteering will help me be able to formulate strategies to serve the WALE community, but my success will come from listening to and collaborating with WALE members. 


Washington Library Employees (WALE) - Vice Chair/Chair-Elect

Interested in serving as WALE Vice Chair/Chair-Elect? Contact [email protected]!


Washington Library Employees (WALE) - Secretary/Communications

Diana Hillyard

My name is Diana Hillyard, and I have been a Library Technical Assistant with the King County Library System for six years. After graduating from UCLA with my MLIS in 2008, I worked in retail for five years before being hired by KCLS, first as a Page and then as an LTA. All of these positions have offered me the opportunity to develop my customer service and technical skills. I would like to develop my leadership skills by working as Secretary/Communications for WALE.

I have been a member of WLA and WALE for about two years but have not taken on any previous leadership roles.

I would like to see WALE be more active in the library community, hold events at more varied times, and generally get the word out about the contributions of library employees. And when I want to see something, the best thing to do is pitch in and help!



Washington Library Trainers (WALT)

Kayce Austin

I am happy to put my name forward for your 2021 WALT Chair. I have been working in public libraries for more than 10 years, and I just cannot imagine being happy doing anything else. I started my library career as a Page in a library system in South Florida. When I started my job there, I thought it was just something to see me through until I completed my Undergraduate degree. I’m sure you can guess what happened! I fell in love, and made the hard decision to abandon my goals of going into Human Resources, and instead went on to pursue my MLIS. I quickly discovered that my background in human resources and training and development were assets in my new career.

After moving to Washington in 2015, I quickly joined WLA. I wasn’t heavily involved, but wanted to be a part of my new local organization. WALT is a wonderful group that I have had the privilege of being a part of over the last 3 years. I’ve enjoyed the connections and the opportunity to get to know so many individuals that have a passion for training and learning opportunities. I love the chance to learn from my colleagues from around the state, and enjoy sharing information.

The pandemic really threw us for a loop this year, and so many of us have to rapidly change and reprioritize the work that we are doing. This means that training is as important as ever, to ensure that our staff have the tools to adapt to our rapidly changing environments. I hope to lead our section so that we continue to have great opportunities to share information, make connections, and expand our training opportunities across the state.

WA Library Friends, Foundations, Trustees & Advocates (WLFFTA)

Interested in serving on the WLFFTA Steering Committee? Contact [email protected]!