WLA Sections

About WLA Sections

WLA members can join any interest-based Sections for free! Click the links below to learn more about each Section.

To join a Section, please use this form. Section membership gives you access to focused listservs for the sharing of professional information and resources, fostering congeniality and connectedness across the state. 

Active Sections:

CAYAS – Children’s and Young Adult Services

CLAWS – College Libraries Across Washington State

IFS – Intellectual Freedom Section

LISS  Library & Information Student Section

SAIL  Serving Adults in Libraries

SRRT  Social Responsibilities

WALE  WA Library Employees

WALT  WA Library Trainers

WLFFTA  WA Library Friends, Foundations, Trustees, and Advocates

Inactive Sections:

CATS – Collection Development & Technical Services

LIFE – Leadership is For Everyone

Due to lack of interest, activity, and perceived need, certain sections may be deemed inactive by the WLA Board in accordance with WLA Bylaws Article X, Section 6: Inactive Sections. A section may be inactive for a period up to two years. At the end of that two year period, the WLA Board may choose to dissolve the section In accordance with WLA Bylaws Article X, Section 7: Dissolution of Sections.

WLA strives to be a flexible organization, responsive to Members’ evolving needs. If members of a deactivated section are interested in reactivating the section within the two year deactivation period, please contact the WLA office at [email protected] to inquire about the process.  

Section Links

Add a Section to your membership

Reimbursement Form

Online Meeting Software

Section Balances (Nov. 2024)

Section Chair Rosters