WLA Advocacy Center
Welcome to the WLA Advocacy Center! The resources contained within these pages are intended to help members of our professional community strengthen their individual advocacy efforts, as well as to speak with a unified voice on behalf Washington libraries.
WLA Core Values
The Washington Library Association leads, advocates, educates, and connects.
The Washington Library Association is a leader for Washington libraries. We are a dynamic, inclusive, and diverse community that provides advocacy, professional development, and leadership opportunities while promoting intellectual freedom and innovation.
Issue Statements
Defending Privacy & Confidentiality
Diverse Collections
Intellectual Freedom Statement
Position Letters
Letter to Gov. Inslee: COVID-19 (March 18. 2020)
Endorsement of Crosby Kemper III for Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)
Letter to WA Superintendents: Library Materials Allocation in SB 6362 (May 23, 2019)
ALA Letter to Monroe School District (May 29, 2018)