How many times today did you help someone work on a resume? How many people did you help apply for a job online? How many story hours did you offer today – to how many attendees? How many DVD’s did you check out to customers today? How many people came through your library’s doors? We will collate all the information we receive and package it so that you will have powerful statistics available, i.e., “If all of Washington’s libraries had been closed one week over the dates of April 7-20, 1,356 people would not have been able to apply for jobs online” “If all of Washington’s libraries had been closed one week over the dates of April 7-20, 3,200 people would not have been able to apply for unemployment benefits.” “If all of Washington’s libraries had been closed for one week over the dates of April 7-20, 70,000 items would not be circulating among our customers.” We need YOUR participation to gather the numbers we need to make this a success. The larger the numbers, the greater the impact. If you can, please plan a special event for this day so that you can capture it in story and in photos. Perhaps you have a kindergarten class coming in – you could contact the school ahead of time to arrange permission to take photos. Many people will be giving out tax forms and scheduling volunteers to help with tax assistance – another great photo op and a chance to ask someone to tell you exactly what the library means to him or her. This year, Snapshot Day happens between the dates of April 7-20, 2013. We are calling on ALL types of libraries to participate, large, small, school, academic, special, public - EVERYONE is urged to participate. All the information you need is on our wiki: http://walibrarysnapshot.wikispaces.com/ and in this document “How to Participate in Library Snapshot Day”. Make sure to go to our Form Survey and let us know you are participating! The more libraries we have participating, the more impressive our final statistics will be, so please spread the word and ask your colleagues to participate! The Snapshot Day Committee is here to help you, so please contact us if you need any assistance.