WLA Mission

The Washington Library Association leads, advocates, educates, and connects.

 The Washington Library Association announces change to executive leadership

Please find the WLA Press Release here.

WLA Bibliotherapy in Libraries Summit - Save the Date!

Saturday, November 16, 2024 | Online

Bibliotherapy in Libraries Summit: Healing Through Story

Bibliotherapy refers to the use of reading for therapeutic purposes, and as library people, we’ve all seen the way stories can transform, empower, and heal. Learn more about the affective benefits of reading and how libraries can use these ideas to positively impact the wellbeing of our patrons, communities, and ourselves, even if you’re not a licensed mental health professional.

The virtual Bibliotherapy in Libraries Summit offers day-long programming around the concept of bibliotherapy in collection development, readers’ advisory, programming, outreach, and more. Come away with the tools and knowledge to help your library community find “shelf help.” 
All sessions will be recorded and made available to all registrants.

Our session schedule is still being finalized, but topics will include:
  • Intro to Bibliotherapy
  • Keynote with a Children’s Author
  • Collection Development & Readers' Advisory with a Bibliotherapy Lens
  • Book Talk Club (BYOBB: Bring Your Own Bibliotherapy Book)
  • Boundaries & Mental Health for Staff
  • Outreach to Underserved Groups
  • Connection & Social Cohesion

Keep an eye on the summit webpage for more information!

Read the Latest Edition of Alki Now!

This issue of Alki focuses on the wild potential of thinking of libraries as a “growing organism.” From adapting libraries in changing ecosystems to cultivating connections with patrons and allies to developing personally as librarians and people, this issue covers the varied ways libraries and the people who comprise them grow and thrive.

Inside this issue, you will find articles on what it means to leave one’s home for the profession, how one library celebrated and supported first-generation students, what one regional academic library did to adapt to the COVID-19 and post-pandemic landscapes, and how to journal for reader’s advisory. You’ll also find recommendations for heartwarming translations and playful picks for National Poetry Month, as well as reflections on the growth libraries have sparked and the kind of growth they still need.

2025 Election Nominations open August 28!

Are you seeking leadership experience? Looking to meet new people in the library field? Passionate about advocacy for libraries and library professionals?

Whether you're a longtime member or new to the association, WLA invites you to throw your hat into the ring for a leadership position in 2025. Nominations open Wednesday, Aug. 28 and self-nominations are welcome. Stay tuned for more information on the positions available! 


K12Librarians4AllWA Campaign

" "Washington schools need Teacher Librarians!

All Washington K-12 students deserve access to a strong school library program with a qualified Teacher Librarian. We believe all Washington students deserve access to strong school library programs directed by qualified Teacher Librarians. Decades of research confirm that students with strong school library programs and qualified Teacher Librarians have better educational outcomes and are more prepared for post-secondary education. This is especially true for students who experience poverty or other risk factors. However, school library programs in Washington are currently not equitably distributed, with those most in need of strong school libraries having the least access to them.  

We hope you use this website to learn about the importance of all school libraries for Washington students.  Join us in urging Washington State elected officials to support school library programs for all Washington students.


Statement on Intellectual Freedom and the Freedom to Read

The Washington Library Association has released an updated Statement on Intellectual Freedom and the Freedom to Read. Read the statement in full on WLA's Intellectual Freedom Section (IFS) site, and explore other free resources related to intellectual freedom and freedom from censorship.

Want to become a member of IFS? Joining the section is free with WLA membership. Add the section to your existing membership or request to join by contacting the WLA Office.

WLA Statement on Anti-Racism

The Washington Library Association decries the brutality Black communities experience from those charged to protect and serve. Libraries are providers of vital resources for historically underserved communities, and this work has never been more important than it is now. We are responsible for continuing to do this difficult, sometimes painful work that demands we address our biases and how they impact our ability to serve our communities equitably. We urge library professionals across Washington to fight for Black lives, actively oppose systemic oppression and police brutality, and prioritize anti-racism in all that we do. The WLA Board is committed to doing this anti-racist work within our association. To be silent is to be complicit.

For resources regarding anti-racism, click here.