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Meetings & Events
Past Events
- OLA/WLA Joint Conference in Vancouver, WA: IFS Conference Presentation "Time, Place, & Manner" 75-minute session April 18, 2019
Presented by: Jamie LaRue, former ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom Director

(Click the slide above to see the entire slideshow.)
- WLA Conference October 18, 2018 in Yakima, WA: Common Sense, Boots-On-the-Ground: Strategies for Defending Intellectual Freedom Panel Discussion
Presented by: KCLS Teen Librarian Rosalie Olds,, KCLS selection librarian Brenna Shanks, Washington State Library attorney Rob Mead, author Dori Hillestead Butler, Issaquah SD teacher-librarian Kelly Crickmore, Issaquah SD teacher-librarian Karen Kline
- Intellectual Freedom section table display: WLA Conference in Yakima, WA October 2018

- PNLA/WLA Conference in Victoria, B.C.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010 6:00-6:30 Business Meeting Empress Lobby – Look for an IFIG sign All WLA members are welcome to attend.
The Library as Internet Service Provider: Policy and Law Thursday, August 12, 2010, 10:30-11:45
Over the past 20 years, Internet access at libraries has moved from being a rare frill to being a core component of library services. Along the way, libraries have struggled to develop policies that adapt to changing technology while adhering to traditional library principles of privacy and free access to information. Come learn how those principles are influenced and threatened by outside legal constraints. What are the latest rules on filtering? What information should (or must) libraries collect about patron usage of the Internet? Can libraries protect that information when faced with government requests, including subpoenas and national security letters? Note: Only United States law will be discussed.
Presented by: Doug Klunder, ACLU of Washington Sponsored by: WLA (IFIG) Track: Freedom and Access