Tuesday, 10/25 Morning Sessions I
Time: 9:45 - 11:00am
Title: Leveling the Table: 3D Printing in a Small Library
Many large libraries have high-tech makerspaces. What about a small library without the budget, the room for a dedicated space, or trained staff? One small library with four donated Afinia 3D Printers joined the Maker movement by providing hands-on classes for ages 7 to adult. Learn from our mistakes and successes, whether you are still thinking about jumping in to the world of 3D printing world, or already have an established program.
Speakers: Holly Smith, Youth Services Librarian, Pierce County Library; Adam Jackman, Adult Services Librarian, Pierce County Library
Track: Programs for All
Title: STEM, STEAM or STREAM in Your Backyard - Invite the Community!
STEM, STEAM, or STREAM - Different acronyms, but all stand for programs that can offer fun learning opportunities for children. The possibilities are limited only by one's imagination. Needing a new angle? Some inspiration? Erin Bethel will describe her work in creating programs that inspired children and families, introducing them to new worlds of science and art, while supporting the growth of reading skills. You may view your backyard in a whole new way!
Speaker: Erin Bethel, Teacher Librarian Media Specialist, NBCT, Board Member, Pierce County Library Foundation
Track: Serving Youth
Title: Reading Conversations: Building a Community of Readers and Reading
Anyone in the library can be a reading advocate! For many library staff, readers advisory sounds intimidating because we feel like we have to be reading experts to give advice to readers. Instead, by emphasizing the conversation rather than the advice part of this dialogue, we focus on how staff at any level can create relationships with users. Trust is established through relationships, and users who trust the library will return again and again for help finding a good read. Listening is a skill so we practice talking with people about their reading and then building on that conversation.
Speakers: Jeanne Fondrie, Learning Coordinator, Whatcom County Library System; Mary Kinser, Collection Development Librarian, Whatcom County Library System
Track: Advisory & Information
Title: Emergency Preparedness for All-Hazard Incidents
This presentation will provide attendees information directly related to preparedness, response, and recovery efforts during all-hazard emergencies. The focus will be on wildfire and earthquake situations and we will discuss evacuation preparedness as it relates to the Ready, Set, Go model. We will also cover proper Shelter-in-Place protocols.
Speaker: Sergeant Kent Sisson, Assistant Director of Chelan County Emergency Management
Track: Advocacy & Community
Title: Harnessing Staff Ideas and Innovation
How can you harness all the many great and practical ideas that library staff come up with and turn that into a system for innovation and improvements? From the smallest service solutions to your next big initiatives, libraries can capture those ideas within a Continuous Service Improvement (CSI) process. Learn the steps necessary for creating this transparent and accountable system that doesn't just increase service to your patrons and staff, it can increase use of the library, workplace efficiency and overall staff morale.
Speaker: Robin Dye, Kitsap Regional Library
Track: Professional Development
Tuesday, 10/25 Morning Sessions II
11:30am - 12:45pm
Title: Telling Community Stories: Using a Wikipedia Event to Engage Patrons
This presentation showcases Eastern Washington University Libraries community- and library resource-focused Wikipedia-themed event, during which library patrons collaboratively wrote a Wikipedia article about a person, place, event, or organization from the community's past, using print, archival, and online sources available at the library. Participants will learn how a Wikipedia event can succeed in their library, whether academic, public, school, or special; how the event can help establish their library's identity as a rich source of information about the history of the community they serve; and will have the opportunity to design a blueprint and action plan for their own library's Wikipedia event.
Speakers: James Rosenzweig, Education Librarian, Eastern Washington University; Rose Sliger Krause, Metadata Librarian, Eastern Washington University; Charles Mutschler, University Archivist, Eastern Washington University; Paul Victor, Reference Coordinator, Eastern Washington University
Track: Programs for All
Title: 3D Printing with Kids
With just a few donated 3D printers, learn how one small library dove into the Maker movement by offering hand-on classes for kids of all ages. From basic CAD drawing with Tinkercad to open labs for teens to print their own projects, we have as much fun learning from our mistakes as we do their successes. Whether you are thinking about getting a 3D printer or just need some fresh ideas for how to use your's in fun and interesting youth-focused programs, this is the session for you!
Speakers: Holly Smith, Youth Service Librarian, Pierce Count Library; Adam Jackman, Adult Services Librarian, Pierce County Library
Track: Serving Youth
Title: Empowering Patrons with Online Government Information
A librarian from Eastern Washington University, a Federal Depository Library in Washington, will focus on how public services staff at all kinds of libraries can use services from the Federal Depository Library Program to access government information electronically. Topics include: **The Federal Digital System, an online gateway and digital repository for accessing Congressional information, Federal Regulations, etc. ** Digitally authenticated PDFs that verify your information is from the government **You don't have to be a Depository to have links to government information in your OPAC or website.
Speaker: Justin Otto, Associate Professor & Librarian, Eastern Washington University
Track: Advisory & Information
Title: The Art of Visual Storytelling
As the internet has grown it has more and more become a veritable visual feast. On many webpages text has become secondary to images. Visuals are faster and easier for our brains to process and Visual Storytelling is the buzzword for 2016. Beautiful imagery, videos and infographics have become an increasingly important way to engage with your patrons. We know that libraries are all about stories, they are our stock in trade, but how can you leverage your very small budget to create a visual story? Answer: The internet is full of FREE easy to use tools which can help you tell your library's story. Spend a fast paced hour as Nono Burling, the Social Media Coordinator for the Washington State library, tours you through a variety of these tools. You will leave bursting with ideas to help you tell your library's story.
Speaker: Nono Burling, Online Resources Coordinator, Washington State Library
Track: Advocacy & Community
Title: Acceptable Behavior in Libraries: Keep the Lid on the Pot
Dealing with the public can be challenging. In this session, we will discuss how to mentally triage through a situation and make decisions on what how to handle it. Learn how to speak to the policy and not about the people involved. Also covered will be a variety of behaviors and shared language teams can use in difficult situations, including a staff code word for emergencies. In the public library, everyone should be held to the same standards of conduct, and it's our job as staff to help train the public on how to be successful in their use of our buildings and resources. Tips on being welcoming while still upholding library standards will be covered, and time will be included for participants to share difficult situations they have encountered while providing service in the library.
Speaker: Joan Neslund, Library Associate, Ellensburg Public Library
Track: Professional Development
Tuesday, 10/25 Afternoon Sessions I
Time: 2:30pm - 3:45pm
Title: The Case for a Makerspace
Join us for a session on all things makerspace. We'll discuss the terminology and describe the successful programs happening across North Central Regional Library. We'll give you the tools to become makers in-session and to become persuasive advocates for maker programming in your community.
Speaker: Luke Ellington, Teen Services Manager & Bookmobile Supervisor, North Central Regional Library; Kim Neher, Adult Services Manager, North Central Regional Library; Chad Roseburg, Assistant Director of Information Technology, North Central Regional Library
Track: Programs for All
Title: Kidz! What's A Parent (Grandparent, Teacher, Caregiver) To Do?
Even the most seasoned parent (grandparent, teacher, care giver) can use some help now and then. Why not turn to federal documents? What, you say? From immunizations, to the terrible twos and teens, to cyber bullying and safety on the Internet there is at least one-gazillion resources for anyone who is raising or working with kids. Some of these resources are fun and some are designed for kids to use. Attend and you can even learn how to track Santa on his Christmas Eve journey around the world.
Speaker: Rand Simmons, Federal Collection Project Executive Manager, Washington State Library; Crystal Lentz, Washington State Library, Federal Depository Library Coordinator for WA & AK
Track: Serving Youth
Title: Rock the Library: Obscure Music Advisory
Recommending mainstream music to patrons can be pretty straightforward, but what if they're looking for something more obscure? Medieval plainchant? No problem! Swedish Death Metal? Bring it on! From modern classical music to jazz to rock, we'll embrace the obscure and share our favorites with you to pass on to your patrons.
Speaker: Conan McLemore, Librarian, Seattle Film Institute
Track: Advisory & Information
Title: Raising Your Library's Community Profile
Raising visibility means raising relevancy. As part of ALA's Libraries Transform initiative, SCLD spent the past two years doing just this by turning outward to their communities. We will discuss how this community engagement has changed day-to-day job functions, strategies for making the time to be present in your community and our best practices to implementing an engaged community focus gained from wins and fails as we embrace the idea that a library that supports its community has a community that supports its library.
Speakers: Amber Williams, Deer Park Community Librarian, Spokane County Library District; Kris Barnes, Deer Park Library Supervisor, Spokane County Library District
Track: Advocacy & Community
Title: Safety & Security for Libraries
Eastern Washington University (EWU) Libraries has implemented a comprehensive, multilayered approach to safety & security training for its employees. They learned how to recognize potentially dangerous patron behaviors, apply effective deescalation techniques and use physical self-defense skills. Library employees also received first aid training, watched a video about how to react properly during an active shooter scenario and then put those skills to use by participating in an active shooter training scenario conducted by local law enforcement and fire departments. This presentation will give attendees ideas on how to build partnerships with first responders and implement training programs that will keep library employees and patrons safe when faced with potentially dangerous situations.
Speaker: Paul Victor, Librarian & Associate Professor, Eastern Washington University
Track: Professional Development
Tuesday, 10/25 Afternoon Sessions II
Time: 4:15pm - 5:30pm
Title: Create @ the Library: Arts and Crafts for Adults
Arts and crafts programs in libraries have largely been focused on kids and teens, offering little opportunity for adults to tap into their creativity without paying for a class. With filling this need in mind, Create @ the Library was launched last fall at the Everett Public Library. Co-workers Elizabeth and JoAnna shared a love for creating, and quickly developed a great teamwork approach to planning and presenting the popular monthly program on a shoestring budget. We will cover benefits to participants, funding ideas, inexpensive projects, materials, and more. And we'll keep your hands busy while you're listening!
Speakers: Elizabeth Koenig, Librarian, Everett Public Library; JoAnna Thomas, Page, Everett Public Library
Track: Programs for All
Title: Building Community Engagement Around Literacy
Explore possibilities for engaging your community! Using NCRL's Literacy Fairs as a case study, we will examine the components of a community engagement event, including how to plan it, who in the community can be involved, what the benefits to your library are, and ideas what to do during your event. While this program's panelists all come from different sized libraries and communities, they have all had remarkable success with their literacy events.
Speakers: Sarah Knox, Children's Services Manager, North Central Regional Library; Esther Dallas, Librarian, North Central Regional Library; Cindy Simmons, Librarian, North Central Regional Library; Jennifer Oatey, Librarian, North Central Regional Library
Track: Serving Youth
Title: Good Friends Make Good Libraries
The Friends of the Roslyn Library has raised $85,000 over the last ten years for the public library in Roslyn, WA, population 895. Friend's members and the town librarian will present tips for cultivating a strong and lasting Friends group in your own small town, including organizational essentials, recruitment of members, the importance of staff support, and the benefits of community partnering. Presenters will also offer tips from their principal annual fundraiser, Seussapalooza, and participants will be invited to share their own successful fundraising events. If you are ready to start a new Friends of the Library group in your community or if your existing group needs fresh ideas or renewed focus, this session is for you.
Speakers: Erin Krake, Librarian, Roslyn Public Library; Tuesday Bosch, Treasurer, Friends of the Roslyn Library
Track: Advocacy & Community
Title: Have I Ever Said That? Sensitivity at Work
Microaggressions are subtle statements and behaviors that unconsciously communicate negative messages that can have demoralizing effects on individuals and organizations. This session discusses types of racial and gender microaggressions that could be encountered at work. Examples will be given and the audience will be encouraged to contribute their own experiences. Strategies on how to respond to microaggressions will be suggested and solicited from the audience.
Speakers: Qing Meade, Outreach and Inclusion Librarian, Eastern Washington University; Doris Munson, Systems Librarian, Eastern Washington University
Track: Professional Development