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LISS Charter

Article I. Name

The name of this organization shall be the Library and Information Student Section, also known as LISS.

Article II. Relationship

This organization is a Section of the Washington Library Association, as authorized by the Washington Library Association Bylaws. (Article XIII, Section 3.)

Article III. Purpose

LISS is the Section of the Washington Library Association.

The purpose of this Section is to:

  • Build a stable and ongoing professional network for MLIS students within the WLA
  • Promote resources and support for MLIS students who will soon be joining the library profession
  • Advocate for the interests of MLIS students in WLA activities and planning
  • Promote WLA membership and active participation in WLA events among MLIS students

Article IV. Membership

Any member of Washington Library Association may become a member of LISS. Payment of dues is provided for according to the Washington Library Association Bylaws.

Article V. Officers and Steering Committee

Section 1.  The officers of LISS shall consist of a Chair, and other positions as needed.

Section 2.  The Steering Committee of LISS shall consist of the officers and others as determined by the Section.

Section 3.  The Chair, or their designee, shall serve as the LISS representative to the Washington Library Association Section Council.

Section 4.   Ad-hoc committees shall be appointed by the Steering Committee or Section Chair as needed.

Section 5.  Officers may serve up to a three-year term.  The Section will determine the period of office, the re-election process if any, and progression through offices (i.e., chair, vice-chair, chair-elect, past chair, etc.).

Article VI. Nominations and Elections

Section 1.  A Nominating Committee, appointed by the Steering Committee, shall submit a list of nominees for the positions in Article V, to members present at an Section Meeting, or by electronic ballot in the month of March so that all officers will be in place by the end of the Section’s Annual Business Meeting. Additional nomination(s) may be made on the electronic ballot. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall be the most recent available Past Chair of the Section.

Section 2.  Election Process: A ballot shall be sent to the membership or an election may be held at the annual business meeting.  A simple majority of members voting shall be sufficient to elect the officers.  If election shall take place by ballot, ballots shall be sent to all LISS members and allow 21 days to return said ballot and will include directions for members to vote by mail, facsimile, or by electronic means as directed and approved by the LISS Steering Committee.  If election shall take place at the annual business meeting, notice of the slate to be voted on at the election must be sent out 30 days in advance of the election.

Article VII. Meetings & IG Activities

Section 1.  An annual business meeting shall be held in conjunction with the annual conference of the Washington Library Association, or at a Section Meeting.  Section’s shall hold two or more membership meetings consisting of business meetings, workshops and programs, during the elective year.  Members are encouraged to attend all meetings.   A simple majority of members present will be sufficient to implement decisions made at these meetings.

Section 2.  Meetings of the LISS Steering Committee shall be scheduled as needed and may include online, telephone, or face-to-face meetings.  Steering Committee meetings shall be open to any LISS member who wishes to attend.

Article VIII. Vacancies

In the event of a vacancy in the Chair position, the Vice-Chair, or an officer appointed by the Section Steering Committee shall become the Chair.  All other vacancies in Steering Committee offices shall be filled by the Chair with the approval of the LISS Steering Committee.  Officers appointed to fill vacancies shall serve until the next regular election. Vacancies in any ad-hoc committees shall be filled by the Chair with the approval of the Steering Committee.

Article IX. Amendments

Any additions or amendments to the charter shall be submitted to the membership through a ballot or vote at the annual business meeting.  Ballots will include directions for members to vote by mail, facsimile, or by electronic means as directed and approved by the LISS Steering Committee.  A simple majority of the votes shall be sufficient to amend the charter.